Hi everybody and welcome to my web site. After a number of years of developing my own style and building a portfolio, I’m excited to share them with you. I hope you enjoy their unique beauty and presence.
I’ll be blogging periodically on many topics that I think you’ll find interesting and enjoyable. I’ll be talking about the painting with light art form, its origins, my artistic influences, and how I got started. Since most of my excursions are to fascinating outdoor locations including national parks and ghost towns, I’ll be posting about my field technique and things I experienced.
You can stay in touch with me in a number of ways. You can contact me directly from the contact page on this web site where you can also sign up for my newsletter. I can be reached on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lightpaintingjeffmaresh/. I’ll be on Instagram soon and it will also be accessible from the contact page.
Matt Hill, one of my favorite night photographers, stated recently that we are entering the golden age of night photography. I couldn’t agree more. And I’m happy to be on this adventure with fellow artists and photographers as this art form evolves.