I attended the opening reception and awards presentation for the 2021 National Photography Show that was put on by the Lincoln Gallery in Loveland, Colorado. “Breathe” was awarded first prize in the color photography division. I felt blessed and satisfied.
I’m really picky about the shows and exhibitions I enter. I choose to enter only the most competitive ones in the US with jurors that are internationally recognized. Scott Wilson was the juror of this show. He is an accomplished international landscape and nature photographer whose work has been featured in many magazines. He has won many awards for his work.
Having a piece invited to one of these shows is a great accomplishment whether or not it wins an award. There were over 400 entries and 35 pieces were accepted. There were only four pieces that were night scenes and two were mine. I consider my work to be cutting edge and out of the box. I am happy to see that my “painting with light” aesthetic is making inroads into the more traditional photography medium.